It can be just as painful to grieve the death of our companion animals as it can to grieve the loss of a friend or family member. During this time, it's important to allow time to grieve and to experience your emotions.

Our compassionate team can offer resources to help you after the loss of a companion animal.

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Grief Counseling

It can be just as painful to grieve the death of our companion animals as it can to grieve the loss of a friend or family member. During this time, it's important to allow time to grieve and to experience your emotions.

Our compassionate team can offer resources to help you after the loss of a companion animal. 

Pet Loss & Grief Support, Stroudsburg Vet

Find guidance and support in these areas:


Don't forget to take care of yourself during this difficult time.

While it can be difficult to face, it's important to take time to mourn. You might have the urge to suppress the grief and keep up appearances. That said, your to-do list can wait and your family and friends will understand if you need some time to heal. 

Be gentle and kind to yourself. Remember that sadness is not weakness, but part of life. Suppressing your feelings will only increase anxiety, anger, and stress long-term. 


Finding a unique way to honor your departed pet is an important part of the healing process. Memorializing your pet can help you achieve closure and leave you with a sweet reminder of all the good times. 

If your pet had a favorite item, such as a personalized collar, a toy, or even a spot to nap, you can reflect on these details and create a little memorial suited to them. 

Communicating with Children

While it may seem kindest to lie to your children about the death of your pet, consider it an opportunity to teach them a valuable lesson about mortality and the grieving process.

Pet loss can show your children what your family does when something sad happens, and that grief and loss are normal parts of life. They can and should grieve, but it's also okay to eventually move on and feel happy again.

Requesting Support

You may encounter people who are insensitive to your loss because they don't understand it. They may diminish how you feel (intentionally or not) and suggest you should "just get a new pet".

We can provide resources to help you navigate conversations about your loss with the people in your life. These tools will help you politely but firmly insist on your right to process your loss in your own way.

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